Friday, October 17, 2008

Sailing in Alcatraz-Painting Demonstration

Three days to complete painting. I enjoyed seeing the evolution. Taking photos of the painting in process has allowed me to notice my style of painting and perhaps flaws that I would
not normally notice.

There is a point in the end of the painting that one has to be very careful, by not overdoing, decorating, dulling color and taking out strokes that originally had freshness.

I did not kill the painting, yet at the same time, there might be an earlier point I could have stopped that would have given the painting a fresher appearance.

This is going to be a wonderful learning experience and process for me as well.
After painting for 20 years and a professional. I too can learn and will continue to learn at all stages of my life.

My additional paintings can be seen at
My published work prints and gicless at a Berkshire Hathaway Co.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sailing and Alcatraz

Day 2                                                                                     
       Man that was a lot of water and still have more to do. Almost took the boat out to the left. I am going to sneak up on it and see if can stay or not. If anyone has any suggestions as I go along, I would love it. I am always open to critiquing. I call that point and paint. I need to put more brights and lights in the water. This is basically what you call the first statement. I try not to put too much detail in yet and I have to put the people in, also. (First the dog then the fleas). Feel like I need some red in the painting, a sail or piece of clothing will do. I am going to leave it now. I want to do more, but I am hungry and tired. Also, I am in a place where I like what I am leaving and excited about coming back tomorrow. This is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for being a part of my art in action.  fine art  prints and giclees

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Art in Action-Sailboats and Alcatraz

 Yesterday, I purchased a 30" X 40" museum wrapped canvas. I want this series to be big. My goal is to stain this canvas and draw the sketch with charcoal, who knows maybe I will start painting it too, no expectations, just enjoy the process and hopefully it will become part of my daily life.

Well, I did everything I could to not start painting, did the wash, played with the dog, read "Wealth and Beyond", took a walk, mailed a letter, ate lunch. OK Janet, JUST DO IT! I put on my IPod and loved the music. It gets me going. I feel the juices flowing. I get into some form of ecstasy. Start dancing. Open up the drawers of luscious paint and start laying them out on the pallet. I make a blob of dark gray and light gray. Use only the paints I desire, less is more. I start at the sky and it is as if I am watching myself. The blues and oranges are vibrating and it is hard for me to concentrate at the same time it puts me in a state of not thinking. That's a good thing. I paint all over the canvas. Don't get stuck in one place. Take care to keep the balance. I painted for 2 1/2 hours. This is what appeared. I will put it to bed until tomorrow. I'll be back.